Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where are You in the Real World? Yahoo Knows.

Yahoo has released a new web application: Fire Eagle.


Fire Eagle allows you to share your locations with other sites and services safely through a secure server - you are always in control. You can decide to share your location with any site that can use it, and even choose how much detail to give that application (exact point, neighborhood, city, state, country).

It is free to use. Other applications that are built on top of Fire Eagle may charge you for their services, however.

Oh joy, between this and Google Maps, everyone will know where I live. People, be careful who you share your private information with. You do not want a weirdo showing up at your door in the middle of the night.

From: KristenNicole927

Mashable's Kristen Nicole interviews Yahoo's Tom Coates for the general Fire Eagle launch.

Leah Culver Presents How Pownce Uses Yahoo Fire Eagle, at Yahoo Brickhouse.

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